First, don’t panic! I repeat, don’t panic, you've got it! Maintaining your dog`s manners by yourself can be scary or uncertain at first, but trust the process!
How to get ready before your sessions with a dog trainer are over: Make sure you know how to maintain it yourself, lol, easy to say, right? The truth is that during sessions, you will learn how to keep up with training yourself, so it's important to pay attention not only to what a trainer says but also to the principles of dog training and how you can better understand your pup and his/her behavior, body language, and the timing of when it's okay to "level up," slow down, and take a step back.
Second, check with a trainer if you can demonstrate learned skills and the ability to maintain your dog's manners by yourself, and ask for honest feedback, and/or ask any questions you might have during the practice!
Third, here’s a list of questions you can ask yourself before finishing sessions with a dog trainer:

1) Do I know how often/how long should I train my dog per day?
2) Do I know when my dog is in the right state of mind for training?
3) Do I know the right timing of rewarding and reinforcing behaviors I like and want him/her to repeat again?
4) Do I know how to continue improving “Sit-Stay”, “Down”, “Recall” and etc ?
5) Do I know the difference between training indoors VS at the local park?
6) Do I know how to work on “duration” of any cue?
7) Do I know how to work on “distance” of any cue?
8) Do I know how to work on adding “distractions”?
9) Do I know about mental and physical enrichment necessities?
10) Do I know that dog`s are simple creatures and they do any behaviors not because they want to “dominate” or “make your jealous”, or “punish you”, but only because whatever they do brings them something they like!
Obviously, I can continue this list with more questions, especially if we`re talking about some specific behavioral modification! The list above is more suitable for general or basic/advanced obedience training. Let me know if you want me to continue with more questions to ask yourself and/or your trainer before you go for your own wonderful life journey with your beautiful pup(s)! Good luck!!!